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What is pivot 10 IGR concentrate?

Leave Us a Message Pivot 10 IGR Concentrate is a long-lasting residual insect growth regulator (IGR) that can last for up to seven months. The active ingredient, Pyriproxyfen, imitates a juvenile hormone that keeps larvae from advancing to adult stages of development resulting in an inability for the insects to reproduce.

What is pivot 10 used for?

PIVOT 10 may be used in an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program to help in the prevention of insect resistance. PIVOT 10 may be applied both indoors and outdoors as a general surface spray, ULV/fog or space spray application, spot treatment or crack and crevice application.

How do I use pivot 10?

PIVOT 10 may be applied as a fog or an ultra-low volume (ULV) application with equipment such as Foggers, ULV equipment, mechanical misting sprayers or aerosol generators. Follow the equipment manufacturer’s solution preparation instructions to prepare the fogging solution.

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